Life skills

Functional life skills are skills that we acquire in order to live a better, more fulfilling life. They enable us to exist happily in our families, and in the societies in which we are born. The three major life skills areas are daily living, personal and social skills, and occupational skills. Daily living skills range from cooking and cleaning to managing a personal budget. They are the skills necessary for supporting a family and running a household. Personal and social skills help nurture the relationships that students will have outside of school. Occupational skills are focused on finding and keeping employment. The key element is in preparing students to eventually become responsible young adults.
HGS has introduced various life skill developing activities which include:

  1. Logic & Reasoning ability
  2. Skill development periods
  3. Entrepreneurship module
  4. Project Based Learning
  5. Project Empathy
  6. Experiential Learning activities
  7. Shram Daan activity
  8. Work Education activities to inculcate the value- dignity of labour.

Since, our students have to face the competitive world by the end and during education cycle. HGS has introduced Logic and reasoning as a subject from the primary level to prepare students from initial stage. It includes:

  • Verbal reasoning
  • Non-verbal reasoning
  • Quantitative ability
  • Data interpretation
  • Group discussion
  • Public speaking